Weekly Menu

Posted by yanti on Monday, November 17, 2014

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It's time to get back into menu planning!  After a couple months of kind of crazy weeks and a long bout with a cold, there was no way to really plan more than a day or two at a time, things are finally settling down again.

Anyone else surprised by the snow this morning?  I heard it was coming, but I really didn't believe it.  Usually Columbus magically gets passed over by some of these storms.  Some of the trees in our yard still have most of their leaves... which means they are holding even more snow than they should.  Hope their branches can withstand the weight!  And I guess it was good timing that we tore down my vegetable garden on Friday.  I still had a few peppers growing from summer!  Couldn't believe it!  One of the peppers ended up on our pizzas tonight (pictured below).  

Alright, here is this week's menu... 

pizza night
creamy salmon pasta
sticky drumsticks and brussel sprouts
asian meatballs and steamed broccoli
chicken & sour cream enchiladas

What are you making?


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