8 Ways to Start This Month ORGANIZED

Posted by yanti on Monday, February 2, 2015

  • Check out your entryway/front door area. 
    • Gather up all of the things that tend to linger in this area. 
    • If it�s by the front door because it needs to go somewhere, then put it in a bag to grab the next time you�re walking out the door! 
    • And speaking of bags, take a minute (or 10) to clean out your purse / laptop bag / backpack / etc. No need to carry around a bunch of excess junk in this new month! 
  • Move on to your bedside table. 
    • For me, this is always a place where random tiny things accumulate. 
    • I�m talking 39 bobby pins and ponytail holders. 
    • Take a second to remove anything that doesn�t belong there, so that you can go to sleep and wake up to a simple and streamlined space!
  • Make the bed. 
    • And I mean really make the bed. 
    • Use all of your decorative pillows, throws, whatever you need to do to make it look/feel like a hotel bed! 
    • You�ll thank yourself when you go to get in it tonight!
  • Make sure your "getting ready space" is in order.
    • Make sure that every hairbrush, bottle of nail polish, tube of mascara has a home. 
    • I bought 3 bins at Target�s Dollar Spot to keep under my sink: 
      • 1 for nail polish, nail polish remover, cotton balls, etc. 
      • 1 for skin care related things like lotion and face wash. 
      • 1 for toothbrushes, toothpaste, mouthwash, and floss. 
    • Everything doesn�t need to be arranged perfectly, but it does need to be categorized in a way that�s easy enough to follow every day! 
  • Round up all of your clothes. 
    • Here is the simple rule for clothes, every item of clothing should either be�
      • �clean and hanging in the closet or folded in a dresser
      • �dirty and spinning in the washing machine
      • �unneeded and in a bag to donate / sell
  • Round up all of your towels.
    • They should either be�
      • �clean and ready to use
      • �dirty and ready to wash
      • �old and ready to toss
Almost done!
  • Now, let�s move to the kitchen! 
    • Really clean out the coffeemaker 
    • Wipe down the counters
    • Wash ALL dirty dishes (either in the dishwasher or by hand)
    • Spray and wipe out your newly-empty sink
  • Deal with every piece of paper in your home.
    • Either recycle or toss all unneeded paper
    • File and organize every piece of important paper
    • If a piece of paper has been lingering around for a while because it requires some type of action, go ahead and take that action so that you can file or toss the paper!
And hell-o to a fabulously organized start to February! :)

Do you have any suggestions or tips to help start a cleaner and more organized new month?! Add them in the comments below!

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