India Circus Home Decor

Posted by yanti on Friday, November 7, 2014

HAPPY FRIDAY, Y'ALL! I am so, so, SOOO excited about this glorious Fall weather! For whatever reason, it has really inspired me to do a ton of revamping to this little home of ours. I've been cleaning out closets, organizing drawers, sprucing up home decor... and even purging my classroom supplies (a very, very hard thing to do for teachers. You really never know when you could use... oh, I don't know... everything you've ever owned). 

When we first moved into this loft, we only brought about 1/3 of the things we had in our old house. We made trip after trip to Goodwill to drop off trash bags full of items that we didn't want/need or that didn't fit our style. For the loft, we tried to keep our color scheme pretty simple and earthy: lots of browns and greens. And even though I loved the relaxing-ness of our new decor, it made me realize that I really need ALL THE BRIGHT COLORS! 

Over the past couple of months, I've shared a couple of posts about how I've been adding a little cheer and whimsy to our super earthy space. Today, I'm going to share another brand that I just have to let y'all know about: India Circus! The name sounds totally amazing, right? Well, the decor goes right along with the amazing-ness of the name! Think along the lines of some items that you would find at Pier One... except a little more authentic! 

I ordered two of these gorgeous peacock pillow covers and I have just been so absolutely pleased with how beautiful and vibrant they are! In addition to beautiful home decor, India Circus also has gorgeous dishes, bags, and even iPad and phone cases

Affordable, cheerful, and exotic? 

Oh, you can definitely count me in for that! :) 

Could your apartment/dorm/house use a little splash of color like mine needed? Did you check out the website? If so, what were some of your favorite things?! 

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