Weekly Menu

Posted by yanti on Sunday, November 30, 2014

Thanksgiving weekend is officially over.  So is November.  Can't believe it will be December in a few hours... my Facebook newsfeed is filled with pictures of Christmas trees already!

So before we move on to Christmas, just a moment to recap Thanksgiving.  We had several of them, with the last one ending just a few hours ago at our house.  The house is filled with aromas of roasted turkey, butternut squash, and sage!  Mmm  :)  So full though!  We passed on a couple classics, but had a traditional roasted turkey, crispy roast potatoesbutternut leek soupbrussel sprout gratin, and caesar salad.  I couldn't decide on a dessert to make, so I got some cookies from our neighborhood bakery and some Jeni's ice cream... I think everyone was satisfied.  ;)

DSC03416 DSC03418 DSC03424 (2)

Now we have tons of leftover turkey to move through and turkey stock simmering on the stovetop.  So this week's menu has a couple leftover recipes and some beef/lamb recipes that rarely make the list just to change things up enough from the back-to-back turkey nights.

turkey, apple, and cheddar paninis
thanksgiving enchiladas
thanksgiving loaded nachos
steak tacos
lamb kabobs

Seems like tex mex has a takeover on the menu this week, but it is just too easy to turn leftovers into non-traditional tacos!  Some kind of soup will make it on to the menu next week to utilize this yummy smelling turkey stock.
More aboutWeekly Menu

How To Make French Fries Perfectly

Posted by yanti on Saturday, November 29, 2014

French fries does not mean that this fries came or originated in France. French in cooking means slicing vegetables or meat into thin strips almost like julienne.It was believed that in 1802 french fries were serve at the white house dinner as ordered by Pres. Thomas Jefferson, but during that time the name is not yet french fries, but potatoes were serve in french manner and as time goes by in some places also they have this version of cooking the potatoes and it is now a popular fast food item called french fries. Patates Frites as French called it. In  Philippine food chain stores the term french fries is being used. Since it is weekend, I decided to post this recipe, because most of the weekends moms and dads stay with their kids at home. Just in case you want to have something to munch for the weekend with your loved ones,  french fries is an affordable and easy to serve. Happy weekend everyone. :).

2 big potatoes ( french sliced)
3 cups water
salt  to taste
Oil for frying

1. Boil the water then put the french sliced potatoes and boil until half cooked, then remove from water and freeze for an hour.

2. after an hour heat the oil then deep fry until done then sprinkle with salt and serve it with your favorite sauce.

More aboutHow To Make French Fries Perfectly

Mami with Ham

Posted by yanti

I just want to share this mami with crispy ham, it is really yummy.

Ingredients for 6-8 servings:
1/2 kilo egg noodles or pancit ( blanched and set aside)
1 kilo any bones of beef/pork/chicken (buto-buto)
1 onion
1 teaspoon peppercorn ( pamintang buo)
1/4 kilo sweet ham ( crispy bits)
salt to taste
10 cloves garlic ( crushed and toasted for toppings)
1 cup minced spring onion ( for toppings)
4 hard boiled eggs ( cut into halves for toppings) optional
3 liters water
ground pepper for serving

1. In a pot, put the water, bones, onion, and black pepper  then let it boil for an hour over low heat, then add salt to taste.
3. In a serving bowl arrange the noodles, egg, garlic, spring onion, and crispy ham then pour the simmering soup.
4. Sprinkle with ground pepper, serve immediately and enjoy :-).
More aboutMami with Ham

Sapsap na Pinangat sa Kamatis

Posted by yanti on Friday, November 28, 2014

Ponyfish or sapsap is a small silvery fish   creamy tasting fish,   Simple yet delicious.

1/2 kilo Sapsap
1 cup water
1 onion
2 cups sliced tomatoes
salt and pepper to taste

1. In a pot put the tomatoes, onion, sapsap, salt and pepper then cover and until it is simmering.
2. Add the water then cover and let it boil until the fish is fully cooked.
3. Serve with love and patis for extra flavor :-).
More aboutSapsap na Pinangat sa Kamatis

Pesang Bangus

Posted by yanti

A light fish flavored soup that will keep you satisfied. :-)

Ingredients for 4 servings:
1 medium size Bangus ( cleaned and sliced into 4)
1/2 kilo cabbage
3 cloves garlic
1  onion
thumb size ginger ( strips)
1/2 teaspoon peppercorns ( pamintang buo)
1/4 cup fish sauce (patis)
4 cups water ( add if needed)

1. Saute the garlic, ginger and onion, then add the water, peppercorns and fish sauce,  bring to a boil, when boiling add the fish and continue to boil until cooked.
2. Add the cabbage then simmer for 2 minutes, add salt if necessary then simmer until done
3. Serve it hot and enjoy. 

More aboutPesang Bangus

Holiday Planning Timeline

Posted by yanti

Y'all. It's here. The holiday season! I am SO, SO excited! I am one of those really strict people who chooses to ignore the Christmas decorations/music/lights in Target or on the homes of my neighbors until I see Santa rolling down the streets of NYC at the end of the Macy's Thanksgiving parade... like, he's giving the green light to move forward with Christmas... and yesterday around noon, I saw what I had been waiting for!

And even though, I have a somewhat unhealthy obsession with the Christmas season, I am ALSO one of those people who is always so caught up in whatever I'm doing at the beginning of December (aka panicking over finals), that the holiday season totally catches me off guard every. single. year. You would think I would be more prepared because, you know, it literally happens annually on the same day. But I always end up being one of those people out searching frantically for something on December 23rd.

You, too? Oh, of course not. You probably have your life together like a normal person. But just in case you don't... and we're in this crazy love/hate relationship with the Christmas season together, here is a little holiday timeline that can keep us on track this year (maybe)!

November 28-30: Decorate for Christmas

Get your decorations out of storage (or the holiday aisle at Target) and decide where you want everything to go! Last year, we literally had no good place to put our tree. For whatever reason, whoever designed our living room felt the need to put something on every single wall so we had no choice to put the tree in a high-traffic area. This year, however, we have the perfect corner in our living area and I am SO happy about that! It's just easier to decorate anything if you go in with a plan!

December 1-4: Finalize Gift Ideas

So, because you are SUCH a good daughter/friend/girlfriend/mom/wife, you've probably been thinking about what to get for all of the sweet people in your life while pinning a few thousand gift hints for them, right? Take the first few days in December to go over your Christmas gift budget and to finalize all of those gift ideas! Some people make it really easy by asking for super specific things (like my husband), while other people (mostly girls) are just happy with anything pretty and/or thoughtful!

December 5-7: Order Gifts Online

Every year, I vow to only do my Christmas shopping online. And every year, I end up fighting a Christmas-crazed crowd at the mall because I waited too long to order online gifts. However, this is the year for me to accomplish my 100% online shopping goal! I just know it! I feel like 20 days out is sufficient time to order something and not be sweating two days before Christmas, hoping that it arrives on time! Plus, if we do enough planning ahead of time, we can probably catch some awesome deals, too!

Most places ship pretty quickly around the holidays. They know that you're busy. And they know that they're busy. And they know that everyone wants what they ordered as soon as possible! Plus, sometimes that 3-day shipping is just worth the extra few dollars! Also, if you have a significant other who loves to snoop live in a place that's difficult to deliver packages to (like an apartment or a dorm), consider having your deliveries sent to a friend/parent's address and just pick them up when you'll have time to wrap them!

(And if you already have all of your Christmas shopping finished... I can't hear about it. I just can't.)

December 8-11: Pick Up Remaining Gifts

If you have to physically pick something up from a store, use these days to do it! They are weekdays but school isn't out yet (here, anyway), so the holiday-retail-chaos should be at a minimum. Also, pick up all of those little stocking-stuffers now, too! One less thing to do closer to Christmas! 

December 12-14: Wrap Gifts

I don't know how the gift-wrapping process will work for us this year. At our old house, my husband and I would lock ourselves into our spare bedroom armed with a wide variety of wrapping paper and Pandora Christmas stations when it was time to wrap each other's gifts. This year... living in a loft with no walls (and no doors) will be a little more of a challenge. If you'll have to secure a secret location ahead of time (like I may have to), then go ahead and set that up now! Or maybe a gift-wrapping party would be a fun excuse to drink wine get together with girlfriends and finally try out some of those cute gift wrapping ideas you've been seeing on Pinterest all year long! 

December 15-18: Prep for Holiday Parties

Because this is the week of the weekend before Christmas, it is prime-holiday-party-time! So, be prepared! Even if you aren't planning on doing anything, put together a couple of perfect holiday party outfits and stock up on a hostess gift or two... just in case! Best Case Scenario: You won't show up to any party empty handed. Worst Case Scenario: You end up with a new outfit and some extra cookies/ flowers/ wine the week before Christmas. Hmm... whatever to do with that? 

December 19-21: Be Ready to Party

Hello! This is the weekend before Christmas! You will have friends in town! Or YOU will be the friend that's in town! You don't want to spend that time trying to finish your last minute errands or wrapping presents. You'll want to have all of your "work" done so that you can celebrate stress-free!

December 22-25: Savor the Season

If you've read more than 2 posts on this blog, I'm sure you've seen me mention Happify. One of their 5 components to happiness (and that's according to science) is savoring the random, regular, imperfect moments throughout your days! So even if you didn't get every perfect gift for every person, or things didn't turn out quite like Pinterest said they would, or you didn't have time to complete everything on your to-do list... IT'S OKAY. 

Things are things and one day they'll probably end up in a yard sale anyway. Beatifully wrapped presents are nice to look at but all that paper will eventually end up in a trash can (or in my family's case, in the fireplace as I stand a safe distance away, cell phone in hand, ready to call 911). No one will judge you 10 years from now if you showed up to their party without a hostess gift (or if you drank all the wine you brought as your hostess gift. Guilty.). But they will remember how you acted, what you did, and most importantly: How you made them feel! 

Holidays are about spending time with who you love! So, put your phone away for a few hours and just do that! :) 

SO, what about you? What kind of timeline do you follow for the holiday season? Are you one of those people who has all of your shopping done by early September or are you a last-minute shopper? Are you going home for the holidays? If not, what are you doing instead? 
More aboutHoliday Planning Timeline

Battered Broccoli

Posted by yanti

This is a very good side dish or appetizer.

Ingredients for 3-4 servings:
1 big head broccoli ( cleaned and florets separated)
1/2 cup all purpose flour
1 egg beaten
water ( enough to make a good batter)
salt and pepper to taste

1. Boil the broccoli until half cooked. Drain and set aside.
2. Combine the water, egg, salt, pepper and flour then mix well until batter is smooth.
3. Dip each broccoli floret into the batter and deep fry until done.
4. Serve with fried or grilled fish or meat.
More aboutBattered Broccoli

Ginataang Dalag

Posted by yanti on Thursday, November 27, 2014

Dalag or mudfish is one of the most common fishes in the Philippines. It is yummy with coconut milk specially when the coconut milk is really thick like this one :-).


1 kilo mudfish (dalag) 
3 cloves garlic ( crushed)
thumb size ginger ( sliced)
1 onion ( sliced)
2 cups coconut milk
2 tablespoons fish sauce ( patis)
1 bunch of pechay
1/4 teaspoon ground pepper
salt to taste


1. Saut� the  ginger, garlic and onion, then add 1 cup coconut milk, fish sauce and ground pepper then bring to a boil and simmer for a minute.
2. Add the fish then simmer until cook, add the pechay and salt to taste then simmer for a minute, lastly add the rest of the coconut milk, once simmering turn off the heat.
3. Serve with love :-).
More aboutGinataang Dalag


Posted by yanti on Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Tamales is one of the popular dishes in Pampanga, it's my first time to taste this when I visited my Kapampangan friend, this recipe is from her but she do not want me to put her picture as a contributor, anyway this is really yummy. Try it.

3 cups rice
5 cups coconut milk (thin & thick together)
1 tablespoon atchuete powder
3/4 cup white sugar
3 teaspoons powdered pepper
4 tablespoons peanut butter
salt to taste

1 cup flaked chicken meat (cooked)
2 hard boiled eggs (sliced)
1 cup cooked strips of pork

1. Toast rice until brown. Grind finely. Add salt and pepper. Set aside.
2. Add atsuete powder to coconut milk. Boil in medium heat stirring constantly. Add powdered rice and sugar, stir until well blended and thick, then separate 1/4 of the cooked mixture then mix in the peanut butter for the toppings.
3. Put 3 tablespoons of cooked mixture on two pieces of wilted banana leaves; top with 1 tablespoon peanut-butter mixture, 2 slices of hard-boiled egg, flaked chicken meat and strips of pork.
Wrap to form a square and tie with a string. In a deep pan, put water enough to cover tamales. When water boils, put in tamales. Cover and cook for an hour.
4. Serve and enjoy.

More aboutTamales

Fried Mudfish (Pritong Dalag)

Posted by yanti

Fresh from the fish pond that's why it tastes so good! "Mudfish is common in freshwater plains, where it migrates from rivers and lakes into flooded fields, returning to the permanent water bodies in the dry season, where it survives by burrowing in the mud".

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Channa_striata

2 mudfish (dalag) cleaned
2 calamansi
salt and pepper to taste

1. Sprinkle the mudfish with calamansi,  salt and pepper then  deep fry until golden brown.
2. Serve it hot.
More aboutFried Mudfish (Pritong Dalag)

Peppered Pork Chop

Posted by yanti

Truly yummy but eat in moderation :)

Ingredients for 4 servings:
4 serving slices of pork chop
ground pepper according to your taste
2 tablespoons calamansi Juice
salt to taste

1. Sprinkle the pork chop with calamansi juice then put pepper and salt according to your taste.

2. Fry until  cooked.

3. Serve it with rice and do not forget to smile :-).
More aboutPeppered Pork Chop

Small Business Saturday

Posted by yanti

Small Business Saturday in Columbus Ohio

Happy Thanksgiving Eve!  I'm sure you have your menu planned, ingredients in the fridge, some things prepped, and oven schedule written down.  Don't forget that even if things don't go to plan, that the day is about spending time with your family even if the turkey isn't perfect.

So even though I work for a major retailer and Black Friday is super important to our business, personally, I would rather participate in Small Business Saturday.  Black Friday is focused on deep discounts which is harder for small businesses to participate in.  There are so many benefits to shopping small!  You will likely get better service because the associates are much more vested in the store and could also be the owner or related to the owner.  You are supporting your community.  By spending your money in your town, you get to see the success in your town.  And the products you are buying were most likely made in America and were not trucked across the country, lessening the impact on the environment.  Plus, you will find unique items you can't get in a big box store!

Now that you're planning on shopping on Saturday, might as well work on that Christmas list!  There are so many gifts to buy at local stores, you can certainly find something for everyone on your list.  Here are a few places around Columbus to get you started... 

Fun for Kids and Adults
Big Fun - this store opened last years and has a great collection of nostalgic toys and games
Bink Davies - with a couple locations around Cbus, you can find a range of cute, funny gifts including things for babies, kitchen gadgets, and jewelry
Baer Wheels - bikes are on a lot of Christmas lists and my family has been going to Baer Wheels since I can remember
Celebrate Local - a collection of all things Ohio in one store at Easton
Simply Vague - if you don't find what you want at Celebrate Local, you might find it at Simply Vague at Polaris

Not everyone loves giving or receiving clothes as gifts, but if you have a fashionista on your list, then check out a couple boutiques in the Short North; Baby Bird (for the little ones), Rowe Boutique, and Ladybird

Endorphin Highs and Some R&R
The Dance Factory - buy a month pass for a gift or yourself to have fun while getting your workout in
Charles Penzone - the ultimate place for pampering in Columbus
Shadowbox Live - purchase tickets to an upcoming show for your friend that loves to laugh

Food & Drink
Cookwear Sorcerer - love this store and all the fun gadgets, perfect place to find something for the cook or baker on your list
Green Olive Company - need a host or hostess gift for a dinner party?  these specialty olive oils are a great option
Jeni's Splendid Ice Cream - Columbus' most famous dessert, buy a pint for yourself while getting a cookbook, salty caramel sauce (mmm), or sampler pack for a friend
Cup O Joe - end your small business shopping spree and celebrate being done Christmas shopping with a coffee drink or rainbow mojito (if you still a few people left, they'd probably appreciate a gift card for their morning coffee)
More aboutSmall Business Saturday

Pork Ribs Nilaga

Posted by yanti

Nilaga is a simple way of cooking meat with water and spices added with some veggies. Simple yet delicious.

1 kilo pork ribs
1/2 kilo pechay
8 cups water
1/4 cup fish sauce (patis)
3 big potatoes
thumb size ginger
salt and pepper to taste

1. In a big pot put the onion, ginger, pork ribs, pepper and patis and cook over medium heat until the meat juices comes out the simmer until the pinkish color is gone.
2. Add the water and bring to a boil, continue to boil the meat until tender then add the potato and simmer until half cooked, then add the pechay and salt if needed then simmer for a minute and turn off the heat.
3. Serve it hot.

More aboutPork Ribs Nilaga

Black Forest Cake

Posted by yanti

It's been a long time that I want a recipe of this cake and I am lucky that my Austrian friend (Gabriel) baked this and shared to us the recipe.


24 ounce (700 ml) jar  Cherries in syrup
1/4 cup (50 grams) granulated white sugar

Chocolate Cake/Genoise:

3 tablespoons (42 grams) hot melted unsalted butter
1/2 cup (60 grams) cake flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
 1/3 cup (30 grams) unsweetened cocoa powder
 4 large eggs
2/3 cup (135 grams) granulated white sugar
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

Whipped Cream Frosting

2 1/2 cups (600 ml) heavy whipping cream (double cream)
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
3 tablespoons (35 grams) granulated white sugar

Cherries: Drain the cherries, reserving the liquid. Place the cherries in a bowl. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and set aside. Place 1 cup (240 ml) of the reserved cherry syrup in a small saucepan, along with the sugar, and heat until sugar has dissolved. Remove from heat and let cool.

Chocolate Cake/Genoise:
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (180 degrees C). Butter, or spray with a non stick spray, a 9 inch (23 cm) round cake pan and line the bottom of pan with parchment or wax paper.

In a bowl, sift the flour, salt and cocoa powder. In a heatproof bowl whisk the eggs with the sugar. Place over a saucepan of simmering water, and whisking constantly, heat until lukewarm (about 5 minutes). Remove from heat and transfer to the bowl of your electric mixer. Beat on high speed until the mixture is thick (about 5 minutes) (the batter will fall back into the bowl in a ribbon-like pattern). Beat in the vanilla extract. Then sift about one-third of the flour mixture over the egg mixture and gently fold in using a rubber spatula or whisk. Sift and fold in another third, and then fold in the rest. Take 1 cup of the batter and fold it into the melted butter (to lighten it). Then gently fold it into the egg batter. Pour into your pan, smoothing the top. Bake for about 20 - 25 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean . Cool on a wire rack before removing from pan. The cake can be stored for two days or frozen for a month.

Whipped Cream Frosting: In your mixing bowl place the whipping cream, vanilla extract, and sugar and stir to combine. Cover and chill the bowl and wire whisk in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes, then beat the mixture just until stiff peaks form.

Assemble Cake: 
Using a sharp knife, cut the genoise, horizontally, into two layers. Turn over the top layer of the cake (top of cake becomes bottom) and place on your serving plate. Brush the cake layer with 1/4 cup (60 ml) cherry syrup. Take 1 cup of whipped cream and spread on the moistened genoise. Place the cherries evenly over the cream. Brush the cut-side of second genoise layer with 1/4 cup (60 ml) syrup. Place cut-side down on top of the cherries, gently pressing to compact. Reserve one cup (240 ml) of whipped cream and spread the remaining cream over top and sides of cake. Place reserved cream in a pastry bag fitted with a large star tip and pipe rosettes on top of cake( Optional- you can decorate any how you want}. Cover and refrigerate the cake for several hours (or overnight) before serving. Decorate with fresh cherries and shaved chocolate.

Contributed by: Gabriel Eli Ndegwa


More aboutBlack Forest Cake

Crispy Ham Bits

Posted by yanti on Tuesday, November 25, 2014

I made this for my "Pork Mami" it really gives a distinctive taste and I love the crispy bits while eating the mami. This is also  a good sprinkle for carbonara, sauteed vegetables and many more, you can also serve this an appetizer.

1/4 kilo Ham
1/2 cup oil

1. Dice the ham then heat the oil and put it.
2. Stir until crispy and remove from oil, put in the paper towel to remove excess oil.

3. Store in an air tight jar for future use, if you will make mami, carbonara and many more.

Click the link for the carbonara recipe

Mami with Crispy ham bits

More aboutCrispy Ham Bits

Ginisang Sitaw at Kalabasa

Posted by yanti on Sunday, November 23, 2014

It's always ginataang sitaw at kalabasa everytime we have string beans (sitaw) and squash (kalabasa) that's why today I broke the usual routine, I sauteed the string beans and squash (ginisang sitaw at kalabasa) and it turned out good.

Ingredients for 8-10 servings:
2 kilos Squash
1/2 kilo String beans
1/4 kilo pork
1/4 kilo shrimps
1/4 cup soy sauce
1 onion
3 cloves garlic
2 cups water
salt and pepper to taste

1. Saute the garlic and onion then add the pork and continue to saute for 2 minutes then add the soy sauce and simmer for a minute.
2. Add the shrimps and stir well, add the water  and let boil then add the squash and string beans, stir well then simmer and stir until almost done.
3. Add salt and pepper to taste,  stir and simmer for a minute then turn off the heat.
4. Serve with a smile.

More aboutGinisang Sitaw at Kalabasa

Bridal Shower Brunch

Posted by yanti on Saturday, November 22, 2014

bridal shower brunch food and games

When your friends know you cook and bake a lot, chances are likely you might find yourself hosting some parties.  Whether it be dinner parties, baby showers, birthday parties, or... bridal showers.  My little sister asked me to be her matron of honor.  Of course I immediately set up a secret pin board and started thinking about shower, bachelorette, and other wedding ideas! 

The food part comes pretty easy.  I usually stick to individual sized foods so there is no cutting or portioning out.  That definitely makes things easier to grab and is less messy.  Now some showers can get pretty corny and the games can be kind of embarrassing, so I try to think up games that are a little more unique and would have fun playing myself.  

So for my sister's shower we had a mimosa bar with several different juices and champagnes.  That way each guest could make their own combinations or just drink juice (or just drink champagne!).  The shower was at noon on a Sunday, so the food was very brunchy.  Cinnamon strussel muffins, cucumber salmon bites, fruit skewers, parfaits, mini spinach quiche, cinnamon french toast, and maple bacon.  Just the right amount of options that even the pickiest eaters will find something to eat.

bridal shower brunch food and games DSC00129
bridal shower brunch food and games DSC00132 

For the games, I usually stick to about three, but this time I ended up with four.

1. How Old Were They?  This game you take about a dozen pictures from both the bride and groom's childhood, number them, and have the guests guess who is in each photo and how old they were.  The funniest part is having the moms announce how old their kids were in the photos.  They may not get it exactly, but mom knows best, so go with her answers!

bridal shower brunch food and games bridal shower brunch food and games

2.  Who Has the Groom?  - This game is kind of like Clue and Guess Who combined.  Print out several male celebrity photos and one of the future groom.  Place each photo in an envelope and pass out the envelopes.  Everyone peeks at who they have (make sure the groom's picture has his name on it or something since there may be a few people that haven't met him yet).  Then everyone asks each other questions trying to find the groom.  It is a great ice breaker and fun to play while people are still finishing eating since everyone eats at different paces.

bridal shower brunch food and games

3.  The Almost Newlyweds Game - This is just entertaining to watch, but make it a game for the guests too.  Have them guess the couples answers to score points.  It the second round, they can score double the points by guessing the couples answers AND guessing if they will they will guess correctly!

1. Who is the better cook in the kitchen?
2. Who gets to control the TV remote?
3. Who usually gets their way with things?
4. How many kids are you hoping to have someday?
5. How many pairs of shoes does Kathleen own?
6. Who decided on the wedding song for the first dance?

The last six questions, write down what you think is their answer and also think about what your answer is!
7. If your house was on fire, what one thing would your spouse grab before leaving?
8. What is the first thing your spouse would buy if you won the lottery?
9. If your spouse was a superhero, what would be his or her super power?
10. If your spouse was an animal, what animal would s/he be?
11. Where would your spouse want to go on a dream vacation?
12. What is your spouse's dream job?

bridal shower brunch food and games bridal shower brunch food and games

4.  The Passing Game - Last, but not least, is the passing game.  You have a couple prizes that are easily passable.  Explain to the guests that you'll read a story and any time you say "right", they should pass the prize to their right, and "left" means pass to their left.  Then read the story as fast as possible and listen to everyone laugh as they start getting mixed up.  It doesn't matter the accuracy, just that everyone has fun!

<Bride's name> knew RIGHT away that she had found Mr. RIGHT and the RIGHT date was set. Now seemed to be the RIGHT time to start so she LEFT RIGHT after lunch and went RIGHT to her mother�s house. She LEFT in such a hurry that she LEFT her to do list RIGHT on the living room table. But there was no time to turn back. She knew she needed to get started RIGHT away to make sure nothing was LEFT undone.

With only <##> days until the wedding day, there seemed to be little time LEFT to spare and so much LEFT to do. She asked her mother to WRITE down a guest list because she knew mom would make sure no one was LEFT out.  <Bride's name> LEFT to find the RIGHT invitations. On her way, she LEFT a message at the florist and then RIGHT into the bridal shop she ran.

RIGHT in the window was the perfect dress. �Oh no, I LEFT my checkbook RIGHT in the car.� �Hold that dress, I�ll be RIGHT back.� With that accomplished, she called Mr. RIGHT and LEFT him a message to call her RIGHT back. She LEFT to meet the florist who had LEFT her a message that they had the RIGHT flowers for her.

Mr. RIGHT called her RIGHT back and said he LEFT a message for the preacher RIGHT down the road to call them RIGHT back and that he had just LEFT work and would be RIGHT over. She LEFT the florist and ran RIGHT over to meet Mr. RIGHT. RIGHT away they discussed what was LEFT to do. �Who will be the RIGHT best man?� She LEFT that up to Mr. RIGHT. �I�ll get the RIGHT maid of Honor.�

RIGHT away they started shopping for the RIGHT rings. With that done, the next stop was to order the RIGHT cake. Mr. RIGHT could clearly see his future Mrs. RIGHT was on the RIGHT track.
After a long day, they were both LEFT exhausted. All that was LEFT to do was get RIGHT home to see if any messages were LEFT while they were out. Sure enough, Mom had LEFT a message that the church RIGHT down the road was available so she requested it RIGHT away. Now that was not LEFT to worry about. �Lets call it a day.� �Whatever is LEFT to do, can be LEFT until tomorrow.�

So, now there is nothing LEFT to say except enjoy the rest of your day.  Just for fun though, pass once more to the LEFT.  Now see, that was fun, RIGHT?
More aboutBridal Shower Brunch