August Vignettes

Posted by yanti on Sunday, August 31, 2014

Can you believe August is over? What the heck?! I feel like it was literally just July! I really hope that this was a great month for y�all! I know a lot of exciting things happened: moving in, rush week, the first day of school! I can�t wait to hear all about it in the comments! 

Here is what my August looked like�

�on Organized Charm:

August is all about fresh starts and reorganization! 


We reached a checkpoint for those goals we set back in January
How was your goal checkup?!


School supply season is here!


And Organized Charm celebrated it�s first birthday!


And obviously, we couldn�t head back to school without a checklist being involved...


Finally, for every SmartBook that we order, McGraw-Hill is donating a textbook to a child in a developing country! So keep that in mind as you search for your required texts!
{also, you don�t have to wait for a SmartBook to ship AND mine was only $45!}


�in my �real life�:

I made the amazing discovery that I live ONE block away from a local candle shop
{Which is good for me but slightly dangerous for my bank account. Okay, it�s really dangerous.}


I started teaching at my new school and I have to say that I just love it so far! Even better? Our logo is an anchor! Obviously, I�ll now have an excuse to buy need to buy anchor jewelry, anchor pants, anchor shirts, anchor shoes� 


Our new home is really, really coming along. I am now one closet and one cabinet away from having it completely organized! 


My brother graduated Cum Laude from the University of Memphis, so we were all super proud! 
{and yes, this is what he wore TO graduation� after I practically had to force him to go. *sigh*}


And lots and lots of planning happened! 
{it doesn�t count if you don�t photograph it, right?}


 �other places online:

I can never pass up a good personality test, and the Who Am I? quiz from Visual DNA is a really cool one! It measures your levels of �The Big 5� personality traits: Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Neuroticism, and Agreeableness. Best of all? You�re choosing your answers from photos! 


This article from BuzzFeed was whirling around my Facebook Newsfeed last week, so I checked it out. Oh my gosh. I downloaded almost every one of these apps! Definitely worth checking out! 

Have you been to Good.Co and taken their quizzes yet? They recently added even more in-depth personality analyses to determine how you work and which types of jobs are perfect fits for you! 
{I always, always get teacher!}

Pandora has created an entire genre of Back to School music! And I am so happy about it!


And here is some motivation for the new month:




How was your August?! 
How was your first week of class?
If you moved, are you still getting settled in? 

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