Chocolate Covered Peanut Butter Granola Bar - total time 1 hour

Posted by yanti on Wednesday, April 2, 2014

They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I've never been one to skip breakfast, I would never make it to lunch without gnawing my arm off. So to keep my hunger at bay, I start most mornings with a quick parfait. I loooove this granola I get from Green Bean delivery. It is so yummy! And I have tried a lot of different granolas, definitely all of the ones with chocolate in them. But this one is definitely the best, peanut butter, nuts, seeds, and a little chocolate. Perfect way to start the day... top it with some berries and yogurt... even better!


We go through this stuff like crazy, like, a couple bags every week. It's kind of ridiculous. But we don't always have time in the morning even for a simple parfait (I easily lose track of time before I have had my coffee... even after sometimes... so mornings can go from a leisurely stroll to a mad dash out the door pretty quickly). So what's a girl going to eat when she's run so fast out the door that she forgot to brush her hair and her phone is still sitting on the kitchen counter? Granola bars! A quick grab and go solution.

You could probably just take premade granola and bake it into bars. But where is the fun in that? This way you control everything that goes into the bars and can feel good about what you're eating. No added sugar and tons of protein and fiber... and so yummy... just like McCabe's granola.

It takes a bit of time from start to finish, but it's mostly hands off time. I walked my dog while everything was cooling, came back, covered them in chocolate, and then went back out with Snoop to finish our walk. Probably only spent 15 minutes in the kitchen. Easy peasy!
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