Weekly Menu

Posted by yanti on Sunday, June 7, 2015

Hope your weekend was fabulous!  We had a great time on Snowville's farm (more on that soon), walking around Athens again, and finally getting the kayak and paddleboard on some water this year!  Pretty good weekend if you ask me.  ;)

snowville bagel street deli casa lopezAW Marion

Keeping it short and sweet this week, but wanted to say one thing about meal planning.  I think everyone knows that cooking for yourself is healthier than going out to eat.  Most businesses take many shortcuts on quality to keep profits increasing and then add fats/oils to make it taste like something.  Cooking at home can sound like a pain in the butt.  It does take some time every day, but it doesn't have to be much time.  Most of the meals I cook take less than 30 minutes, most of my go-to meals are even less than 10 minutes start to finish.  And yes, there is a small mess to clean up afterward, but you probably have a dishwasher.  And yes, some times what you make doesn't come out right, but you're learning.

The easiest thing to do that keeps me cooking at home all week is to have a plan.  Then buy the ingredients.  When everything you need is already in your kitchen, you start to run out of excuses.  You already spent the money.  There have been several times that I have come home from work or from a workout tired and wanting to just grab something on the way home.  Then I remember I have free-range chicken and local organic spinach at home ready to be turned into enchiladas... and I am infinitely happier with my custom-made enchiladas than something from a drive thru.

So this week's meal plan...

spinach enchiladas with homemade guac
stuffed peppers
creamy dijon chicken with spinach strawberry salad
homemade pizza (with peppers from the garden already!)
dinner at our friend's wedding reception!  :)

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