NYNL Day 23: Make a To-Do List

Posted by yanti on Thursday, January 23, 2014

It�s really kind of crazy to me how simple these challenges are getting! At the beginning of this series, I knew that long-term planning would make prioritizing a little easier, but I had NO IDEA how completely simple it would make things!

Here is today�s Mini-Challenge: 
Make a To-Do List for this week.

I know, right? 

So� remember yesterday, when we designated a goal for each week this month? 
Take that goal and break it down into your to-do list for this week.

When I saw mine, I could not believe it! It looks just like every other mundane to-do list I�ve ever made in my life. Except that, this time, I knew it wasn�t. Thanks to my 10-year plan, 5-year plan, and checkpoints, I know that everything on that list matters!

Clean windows is not just another household chore. It�s a way to help our house sell so that we can move to whatever house in whatever city we choose!

E-mail advisor is not just another timeless task on my list. It�s the way I'll find out the requirements that I still need to meet before I can graduate and move on from this part of my life.

By working backwards through my life plan, I am able see the purpose of every small task in my daily life. And each of these little tasks is not just another thing to cross off of my list� it�s an eensy-weensy, baby step that�s taking me in the direction that I want to go! 

And I say YAY for baby steps! :) 

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